泰国 下电影在剧情介绍:[136].Steven Runciman, Byzantine Style and Civilisation (Harmondsworth, 1975), pp.83——84.
[137].Steven Runciman, ‘The empress Eirene the Athenian’, in D. Baker, ed., Medieval Woman (Oxford, 1978), pp.101——118.
[138].Robin Cormack, ‘Women and icons, and women in icons’, in Liz James, ed., Women, Men and Eunuchs: Gender in Byzantium (London, 1997), pp.24——51.
[139].H. Buchthal, The Miniatures of the Paris Psalter (London, 1938). See also K. Weitzmann, ‘Der Pariser Psalter MS. Gr. 139 und die mittelbyzantinische Renaissance’, Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft, 6, 1929, pp.178——194.
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